Today is Mother's Day and we're dedicating this post to our mothers - past, present, and future - here below, an American Jewish classic: A Yiddishe Momme. The song, in English and Yiddish, is much sadder in the original Yiddish than in the English translation, (here) as the mother implicitly … [Read more...]
Weekly Torah Gatherings – Wed 5/10
A Talmudic story for this evening's consideration -- re safety, sheltering, perhaps even hiding (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai lived during the 2nd century in Israel, under Roman rule) 'The Talmud relates the following story: Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai spoke critically of the Roman government, … [Read more...]
Weekly Torah Gatherings – Sun 4/30
The Ten Commandments: be aware of those who feign law, morality & ethics Beware the hand who dares to inscribe 'the writing on the wall' Daniel 4-5 (or for that matter, any writing, on any wall or any stone 'tablet' -- and for the record, not the Stone Chumash, and not the Apple … [Read more...]
Weekly Torah Gatherings – Wed 4/26
Here we examine the 'People of Israel' (in Israel and outside of Israel) -- as we continue to take a closer look at the (long and arduous journey) of the Jewish people, "homeward bound" Jarring notation on the words bound and bond: or perhaps we could also understand this as "to be bound up in … [Read more...]
Weekly Torah Gatherings – Sun 4/23
Joy, Memory and Loss A Jewish homeland, a Jewish mother, a son, and a mingling emotional Joy and emotional Sorrow Israeli Memorial Day Yom HaZikaron 2023 / יוֹם הַזִּכָּרוֹן 5783 Israeli Memorial Day remembers those who died in the War of Independence along with all those who have given their … [Read more...]
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