“How” a destroyed Temple might have appeared — should it have been spared . . .

This Shabbat (Sabbath) is ‘Shabbat Nachamu’ — which, considering the historical and commemorative stories of this immediate last month, has come pretty much in the nick of time, however perhaps too late for this generation . . .
Isaiah Chapter 40 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
Some comfort there, perhaps one could get more comfort from a bottle of Southern Comfort . . .
It is the first of seven ‘haftarot of consolation’ leading up to the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It occurs on the first Shabbat following Tisha B’Av.
“Well what a relief that is” . . . hardly speaks to the generation after ‘the War‘ (I think you know which one I refer to).
Hope to see everyone at 7:00 PM this evening!
Warm regards,
R’ Seth