Joseph — (is) life but a dream . . .
Joseph and Chanukah: the search for light in a world of darkness
The story of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a tale that follows the journey of a dreamer. Joseph is the son of Jacob and one of twelve brothers. He is given a coat of many colors by his father, which is symbolic of his favor and an object of his brothers’ jealousy.
Too much light: perhaps then, darkness . . . .
‘Lineup in the lineage’ . . . Judean birth order (also) apparently had a meaning — in many places . . .
DNA and the shattering of old paradigms . . . ?
Darkness, Dedication (Chanukah) and light — a rebellion of a priesthood against a priesthood — wait — what! . . . no miracle?
Here below is a vieo of a pretty close rendition of the true story surrounding Chanukah — it is certainly worth the view . . . That being said — who is the intended audience?
And just when we thought we knew everything (about our ancestry)
Where did you say you were from?
Ashkenazi Jews Have Become More Genetically Similar Over Time

A depiction of a synagogue in Erfurt, Germany, in the 14th century. “In the middle of the German-speaking lands, this was the place to be at the time,” said the curator of Erfurt’s Old Synagogue Museum.
Here, below, (from NYT) 2002 — is a slightly different perspective — yet, not a contradictory perspective . . .