Rabbis who bless Congress . . .
By Howard Mortman, January 16th, 2021, Special to the Forward

Rabbi Seth Frisch, The New Shul of America, the last Rabbinic Address before the advent of Covid 19. This message before Congress remains in effect, even and especially now . . .
Thanks for reading and for viewing. And yes, I know, not exactly at the level of interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, perhaps it is just looking ahead at ‘what might be,’ someday hopefully soon.
Please review the attached study materials and let me know what you think. I will be giving an update on our Philabundance activities and so I hope to see everyone in our gathering this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM EST and then again on Sunday at 3:00 PM EST. There is a new day dawning in this country and while it is going to be far from a smooth transition, as there are many unpaved roads ahead, it is important for us to stay engaged and remain vigilant for as we have learned all too often, when we forget history, we tend to repeat it. The Talmud teaches us . . . ‘do not separate yourself from the community’ as it is never wise to ‘go it alone.’ We have no alternative but to put one foot in front of the other as we continue in our Newshul community to move forward, together.
Warm regards,
From the New York Times. . .
The president-elect worked a conveyor belt assembling food boxes at Philabundance, an organization founded in 1984 that distributes food to pantries and emergency shelters across nine counties in Pennsylvania, according to Mr. Biden’s transition team.
Wearing a black face mask, a Philabundance baseball cap and his trademark aviator sunglasses, Mr. Biden placed canned goods, two at a time, into each food box. And Jill Biden, who will become the first lady on Wednesday, added packages of rice to the boxes while disco music played over loudspeakers.
Mr. Biden’s decision to volunteer at the food bank on Monday was consistent with many of his predecessors in both parties who frequently engaged in a public service event on the holiday.