It was an important event for a number of the more obvious reasons, including the well documented rise in hate crimes throughout the United States over the past few years, many of which were aimed at the African American community along with seriously noted rise in hate crimes directed towards the American Jewish Community, Pittsburgh being the most deadly and of recent memory. it was also noted that many of these hate crimes were committed targeting both communities in addition to other at-risk minority communities throughout the country.
Our delegation found common purpose with Congressional members, representing both sides of the aisle and from diverse economic and social backgrounds.
The discussion ranged from areas of mutual concern to particular concerns of the various constituencies represented. Many friendships were formed, dates set for subsequent gatherings and issues such as Red Lining and Voter Suppression were placed directly on the table. This was an exciting moment to both witness and participate in as New Shul Lerhaus has chosen to participate in the emerging conversation seeking to build bridges and work on issues of concern of both of our communities, as diverse as they appear to be.ckJewishCaucus

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